Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Very First Ever Blog...

Well, it's not my very first ever blog, it's just the first one I intend to update more than once every six months. I actually have about five blogs floating around out there. Maybe more. Some I forgot where to find them, Some I tried to delete, but they just won't die!

There's a lot happening in my life at the moment, so I thought I'd find an outlet. And this is it. My mindless dribble, for sentence after sentence, just to clear my head.

A little about me:

I'm qualified to work in childcare, but I can't find anyone to hire me. I'm a nice girl. They all suck, obviously.

I am the worst vegetarian ever. There are no vegetables in my house. If I were vegan, I would starve.
I've recently broken up with my boyfriend. I need to leave to house I've been living in with him, for various reasons, which I will get into later unless I forget to. I have the memory of a brick. The main reason is that he lives here too, but that's not the only reason. I'm now going to be living with my Nana for a while, which will be great, but she does try to feed me meat. Sometimes she makes a game out of it, by doing things like hiding little bits of meat in my mashed potatoes. She calls it "secret meat" and assures me it doesn't count.
While I'm living with my Nana, I'm going to try and plant a veggie garden. She doesn't know it yet. Nor does her gardener. My Nana's gardener is a very nice man. He's profoundly deaf, and my Nana feels she's being very community minded, having a deaf gardener. She talks about how deaf he is, and what a wonderful gardener he is even though he's deaf, until everyone listening wants to pull their own ears off and put them down the garbage disposal. Fun times.
While I'm there, I will be looking for a place to live that isn't with my Nana, but is still cheap.

The current home I'm living in is wonderful. There's a pool, two small children and a very good friend here. I'm leaving here because 1- I'm sharing a room with my now ex boyfriend, 2- Sometimes the kids spill things on the floor above my room and things drip on my face while I'm sleeping and 3- Living in this house is giving me a massive nicotine addiction. I'm not going to start smoking just because I'm addicted to my house!

I think that's all I have to complain about at the moment. Hopefully I'll check in again in about a week. :-)

Signed with love,
The Pretty Kitty.


Anonymous said...

I came, I read, and I laughed. Secret meat *snort*

Thanks for sharing!

Jelly xo

Music Is My Love said...

Hi, good to hear what you've been up to, it's been a while since we talked. Sorry to hear about your boyfriend. So you have finished your child care coure, thats great. You should find something soon.... there seems to be a lot more opportunities in Brisbane though... im going to consider moving there when I finish my course. Where does your nanna live? We should catch up sometime.


So Now What? said...

Funny stuff - you are a hilarious writer. Idiot employers don't know what they're missing. Bern