Monday, September 28, 2009

Thing boys say.

This post contains a list of things which boys- or actually, supposedly grown men have said to me in the last month, in order of how much they amused me (least amusing first).

  1. "Excuse me, do you put out?" - Yes I do, but not with you.
  2. "Excuse me miss..." (good start) "... would you like to suck my dick?" - No. No I would not.
  3. "Excuse me, ma'am..." (I actually like that better than 'miss') " look lovely tonight, and I was wondering if you'd like a shag?" - No. Very no.
But the winner is: "Show us ya tits, bitch!" No manners, and yelled from a moving car. What am I supposed to do, run beside the car yelling, "Wait, you haven't seen my breasts, yet!"? I don't know. I really don't. And can somebody, male or female, please tell me what part of that comment is meant to make me say, "Hey yeah! That's a great idea! I'll just strip off right here."?

This is not wisdom, this is simply logic.

Boys: Shape up! I don't care how big any part of you is and I don't care what you do or don't wax; just attempt to be a human being, and we'll all get on fine.

Signed with love,
The Pretty Kitty.

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