Friday, November 13, 2009

Some stuff about me.

My name is Cassandra, Cassie, Blossom, Blossy, Iris, Kitty or Kitten, depending who you ask (don't ask my mum. She'll give you the boring answer). I have six friends my own age (between 16 and 32) living in Australia. Only one of these six friends lives on the Gold Coast, and that's a very delicate, new friendship which is still in the stage where it needs to be sheltered and protected. Should turn out well, though; she's a very nice girl, and I'm the Pretty Kitty. Four of these friends are male, out of these four, one is ex-boyfriend, one lives in Victoria, and is in jail, so it's difficult for him to visit, one hasn't been answering my messages or calls for a few weeks without letting me know why, and one is getting married to my very best ever human friend.
My very best friend ever was a dog. A little yappy dog who thought she was the biggest animal on the face of the Earth. She died five years ago, aged somewhere between 12 and 16. I still miss her every day, and sometimes I sit in the park and talk aloud to her like the crazy lady I am.
I believe in Faeries.
I read Tarot.
I want to live in the ocean.
I love people, and take any opportunity to surround myself with them, even people I don't know, and even though I'm painfully shy and socially retarded.
I'm slipping back into depression, despite things going well for me at the moment, and I may have to go back on anti-depressants, even though I hate every little thing about them, except the not feeling quite as depressed part.
I hate shop mannequins. I hate that they try to tell me I should be shaped like that to wear those clothes- which means sometimes I should be silver and have a 20 inch waist and no head- and now they all have nipples, so I know my nipples aren't the right size or shape for their clothes either, so maybe I should just go naked all the time!?
I love that all babies, all around the world, make that little "ble-le-le" noise with their tongues.
Why am I telling you all this seemingly disjointed stuff? Because I'm moving house on Monday and I don't know when I'll get back to tell you more.
If any of my friends are reading this, call me, I'm pathetically lonely at the moment, and I really miss my cat! I also miss Alvin. Alvin was my pet crayfish. S/he died early this year. We'd almost gotten to the point where s/he'd let me touch him/her.
I think I should go now. If I stay I'll start saying even more ridiculous things.
Signed with Love,
The Pretty Kitty

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

And now I just want macaroni

A few weeks ago, ex-boyfriend told me he was moving to Tasmania. No plan. No reason. Just going. Fine then. I don't need you anyway.
Few days ago I got a phone call from a Queensland phone number I couldn't place. It was ex-boyfriend. It was his parent's phone number. Ex-boyfriend explained that he really was in Tasmania, but he had had his calls routed through his parent's phone number.
During the call, however, he spoke to his dog (which is at his parent's house). He later admitted that he was at his parent's house at the time of the call, but "couldn't see the point of telling me the truth". Now I'm dead inside once again. I'm only worth lying to. Thanks for that, butt-monkey.

Pretty Kitty.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Moving house.

I've told you I have to leave the house I've been staying in. We all do, it's been deemed "unlivable". I'm going to be living with my very wonderful uncle, who obviously loves me more than Nana does (maybe she found out about the "secret meat" blog post?)... only kidding, Nana. Anyway, I won't be paying rent at his place, just a few dollars a week for utilities. I plan to use the money I would otherwise spend on rent to actually have a life! I plan to go out and do "person" things. Yesterday I went on the monorail at Broad Beach for no real reason, to practice being a person, doing person things (people go on monorails for no reason, right?).

I know this will be a wonderful new start. I'll get an actual job and maybe make friends with people I didn't meet via the international-computer-webby-thing. I'll be kicking everything off with a picnic in the park in my new suburb. I've tentatively chosen a park, but I've never been to it yet, so I'll keep everyone posted.
I also know I'm going to miss a lot of things about Southport a really big lot, despite what I've said about it in the past. Especially five-year-old, dog and baby (in no order).

I'll try to keep you posted,
Signed with Love,
The Pretty Kitty.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm leaving Southport

Despite what I've said about Southport in the past, I will miss a few things.
  1. The parks. Partially because they are beautiful, partially because all the play equipment is strong enough to hold me.
  2. The pigeons who come into my backyard every day. The same two pigeons, doing adorable pigeony things.
  3. The dog. He belongs to the family I'm living with. I call him "Doggie" even though that's not his name.
  4. Five-year-old, even though she climbs into bed with me and wakes me up at 6AM if I leave my cubby unlocked
  5. Baby, who is beautiful and wonderful, even when she's going on a biting rampage. I think I will miss her the most.
I'll also miss the international computer webby thing. I'm going to live with my uncle who doesn't even have a CD player. I'll still be on the Gold Coast, and in a much nicer part. Hope I can tell you all about it soon!

Signed with love,
The Pretty Kitty.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Why I hate unisex public toilet blocks.

Simple: Because a lot of men pee with the door open. Even if I know you, even if I like you, even if I love you I don't want to know how you stand when you pee.

Thank you.
Signed with love,
The Pretty Kitty.